Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Speed-Clean Your Back Entryway in 15 Minutes

Courtesy of Real Simple Magazine

Minutes 1-2: Clear out the entryway - move area rugs, shoes and umbrellas. Toss non-entry items into a big tote to redistribute later.

Minute 3: Bang the indoor and outdoor mats against a walkway to loosen dirt.

Minute 4: Spot-clean scuffs & mud off walls, doors & baseboards with a moistened Magic Eraser. Go over doorknowbs and light switches, too.

Minute 5-6: Spritz any windows (inside and out). Dust any furniture with a dry microfiber cloth.

Minutes 7-10: Scan the floor and pick up anything too bulky for your vacuum. Give the area a quick once-over with the vacuum.

Minutes 11-13: Swab the deck with a wet mop.

Minutes 14-15: Return everything to its rightful place.


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