Monday, September 27, 2010

Social Media Safety

I just got my current issue of "Real Eyes" from KCRAR (Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors). I won't lie, I usually just skim the paper and recycle it. Well, today a story on the front page caught my eye: "Social Media Safety for Real Estate Agents" As we all know, I LOVE social I figured, it won't hurt to read what they have to say. I started to skim the article (ok, I went straight for the highlighted parts). They offered SIX suggestions:
1. There is no such thing as "privacy" on any of the social media websites. Ok, I know this. If it's on the net, it can probably be found.
2. Do not publicize your calendar or schedule. Got that too. If I do "say" what I'm doing in a day, it's pretty vague and I never give out times.
3. Know what information is in cyberspace about you. I've got a google alert sent up and get emails every time my name comes up in a new search (so I'll probably have a few today since I keep blogging). THEN is says: Go to websites such as and just to get started. Well, OF COURSE I had to check them out! had my wrong address (perfect!) BUT pulls from a ton of sites and had my current address! YIKES! That has ALREADY been fixed!!! (damn you
4. Beware of location-based websites and programs. I admit it, I use FourSquare..but I try to use it safely!! I NEVER check in at my house and half the time I "check in" when I'm leaving a location. I think I'm still "at" Price Chopper according to FourSquare.
5. Know you can "block" followers. I know this and thankfully have no had to do it!
6. Be careful with photos of yourself and your listings. No glamour-shot type photos (criminals have a certain victim profile) and don't show valuables in the home. Check for both of these!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go to the websites listed in #3 and check yourself. Make sure they DO NOT have your correct address. Also, set up a google alert with your name so you know when something new has appeared on the internet.

**On a side note, this DID come in handy when I started at 1154 Lill. Jen, the owner of Lill has set up an alert for 1145 Lill. I sent out a ton of media releases announcing I was a new sales rep in Kansas City. She got the google alert and was amazed by how many sites posted the information!

The internet can be used for good...don't let it be used for evil!

Good luck!!

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