Friday, October 8, 2010

Tips for Using Social Media in Business

10 Tips for Using Social Media in Business
By Stephanie Andre

RISMEDIA, October 7, 2010—With so much talk these days about social media, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and anxious about where to start. While using social media for business is a necessary solution in today’s competitive environment, it’s also important to make sure you use create and manage your social media platforms correctly.

Here are 10 tips from Kodak’s chief blogger:

1. Know what you are talking about. If you are going to work with social media, be involved in social media. Start your own Twitter account, Facebook page, read blogs and get engaged. That is the best way to understand the culture, tone, best practices, and protocol.

2. Always be transparent. When you are communicating in social media say who you are and who you work for. Don’t try to be sneaky and plant comments, don’t hire people to go out and say nice things about you and stay away from ghost writing. Be genuine and be real.

3. Be yourself. Readers can see through marketing talk. Be passionate about what you do and let that show through your personality. Let people see you as a person, not a mouthpiece.

4. Post frequently. It’s a lot of work but don’t post to your blog then leave it for two weeks. Readers won’t have a reason to follow you on Twitter or check your blog if they can’t expect new content regularly.

5. Add value. Share tips, tricks, and insights. People’s time is precious and they need to get something out of the time they spend with you. Make listening to you worth their time.

6. Respond. Answer questions, thank people even if it’s just a few words. Make it a two way conversation.

7. Listen to what others have to say. Appreciate suggestions and feedback, it will make what you do even better.

8. Learn from your mistakes. Don’t be afraid to say you were wrong and be quick to make changes when you are.

9. Be external. You don’t have to be 100% internally focused. Link to other blogs, videos, and news articles. Re-tweet what others have to say.

10. Have fun. If you don’t like what you are doing, others will notice it and won’t enjoy interacting with you.

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